The Vision of Cedar Grove Christian Academy is to provide a quality, well-rounded, Christ-centered education.


How you can help CGCA grow

Cedar Grove Christian Academy followed the leading of the Holy Spirit by stepping out in faith to make major improvements to our facility.

Several years ago, we felt the need to look into the possibility of putting up an all-purpose building that would house a full-service kitchen with the most up-to-date industrial appliances to enable our staff to serve our school family more sufficiently and efficiently. In addition to the kitchen, the building includes a large open area that serves as a gymnasium for our expanding sports program, gym classes, and indoor recesses during poor weather. This area is also used as a cafeteria, featuring lunch tables encased in an interior wall that fold out easily and collapse just as easily, forming a flush, finished wall.

This room is also used for weekly chapels, assemblies, and programs.

Having this multi-purpose facility has allowed us to use the rest of our resources more efficiently and expand our enrollment to families that we have not been able to serve in the past. We grew by adding a resource room for remedial learning, a 7/8 ACE class, and a designated room for our music and arts program.

You could be a part of this exciting endeavor by:

  • Praying for our continued stewardship in using this facility to its utmost potential
  • Praying for financing success for this multi-purpose facility as we use it to complement our curriculum and to grow enrollment potential
  • Give as the Lord leads (see secure PayPal option)
  • Share with friends and families our mission to improve the campus to grow the CGCA family
  • Suggest CGCA to businesses and individuals seeking worthwhile charitable endeavors and tax deductions

Ways to donate:

  • Mail checks to Cedar Grove Christian Academy at 6445 Bingham Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111
  • Donate with your credit card by clicking on the donation button at the top of this page.
  • Stop by the school and see our work in action and feel free to donate in our main office.