
Christian education requires a close, enthusiastic partnership between the educational staff, students’ families, area churches, and other friends to achieve educational excellence. Cedar Grove Christian Academy faculty, good educational administrators, and support staff exhibit their professional skills, Christian commitment, and love for children as they plan and implement creative and challenging learning experiences which motivate students. Through their words and actions, they consistently strive to demonstrate God’s love.

Parents share the responsibilities and blessings associated with CGCA’s educational ministry through their involvement as field trip chaperones, coaches, or club leaders. Parents also serve as active members of the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) or on school board committees to assist in generating funds, sharing ideas, obtaining material resources, upgrading school facilities, and supporting the spiritual strength of the school.

There are also many alternatives for alumni, grandparents, local pastors, and other friends to assist in vital ways to support the achievement of ministry goals and bring glory to God. Everyone has an opportunity to have a positive influence in young lives and experience the blessing of accomplishment.

We prayerfully uplift these partnerships as together we strive to educate the whole child to follow Christ, embrace Biblical truths, and live a life that glorifies God.

Bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4

All Scripture references are from the New King James Version.